
Showing posts with the label Health

10 Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric.

  10 Proven Health Benefits of Turmeric. Turmeric may be the most effective nutritional supplement in existence. Many high-quality studies show that it has major benefits for your body and brain. Here are the top 10 evidence-based health benefits of turmeric. BUY NOW  1. Turmeric Contains Bioactive Compounds With Powerful Medicinal Properties. Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow color. It has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb. Recently, science has started to back up what Indians have known for a long time — it really does contain compounds with medicinal properties ( 1 Trusted Source ). These compounds are called curcuminoids, the most important of which is curcumin. Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant. However, the curcumin content of turmeric is not that high. It’s around 3%, by weight ( 2 Trusted Source ). Most of the studies on this herb ar

Spice It Up: 4 Benefits of Chili Powder

  Spice It Up: 4 Benefits of Chili Powder When you’re chowing down on spicy ethnic foods like Indian curries and Mexican tacos, you may not realize that you’re ingesting a key ingredient. This magic ingredient I speak of is chili powder! With a high concentration of capsaicin, this flavourful spice does more than pack a punch. Here are five ways chili powders benefit you. Helps with Osteoarthritis:  Chili power can act as an anti-inflammatory agent, which helps decrease swelling of sore joints and increases blood flow. Settles the Stomach:  Though many associate chili powders with causing upset stomach, it actually prevents acid reflux and kills the bacteria that causes stomach ulcers. Fights Fat:  The capsaicin compound found in chili powder revs your metabolism, which increases your fat-burning skills. Bonus!  Builds Immunity:   The fiery spice contains vitamin C, acting as an antioxidant to strengthen the immune system and heal injuries and infections. BUY NOW

Health Benefits of Cloves (Laung): A Spice That Deserves More Attention

  Health Benefits of Cloves (Laung): A Spice That Deserves More Attention One of my favourite  winter spices , cloves are often pushed to the edge of your plate. They are mostly used to flavour dishes but seldomly eaten whole. But if you’d know about their impressive qualities, you’d agree they deserve more attention. Looking back, cloves were probably first used by Chinese emperors to hide bad breath. Over the years, cloves grabbed a prominent place in traditional Chinese medicine and  Ayurveda  to treat nausea, digestive disorders and flu. The clove tree which is native to Indonesia bears dry, aromatic flower buds which are used as a spice. These unopened, pink buds are picked and dried till they turn brown. They can be used whole or ground. When cooked or soaked in water, they tend to become soft and flavourful. Cloves have a long shelf life and this flowering spice will last you almost a year if stored away from light and moisture. Powered cloves tend to lose their flavour faster.